2 min readNov 16, 2021


A Place Called in Bewteen

The portal opened and a bright light shown through the doorway. The young man looked behind and all around him. He could barely believe his eyes. Was this really happening? Was he truly going to get another chance to right all his wrongs, to say what was kept silent, and to live life all over again?

"Remember the rules," said the voice behind him.

John spun on his heals to see a short man, almost dwarf-like, standing behind him. The little man was dressed in a tan robe that covered his feet and a red corded sash was around his waist. He had tiny round glasses perched on his prominent pointed nose and his wild white hair curled around his ears and the nape of his neck. He crossed his hands behind his back and walked, no more like floated, towards John until the dwarf stood at his side.

"Why me?" John's voice cracked, for it had taken him a minute to find his words.

"Why not?" said the little man.

"I am undeserving."

"What we deserve is not up to us," the little man replied.

John looked down at him for the first time feeling his anxieties begin to set it, panic begin to rise like waters in the sea coming to a crest. His palms began to sweat and his throat went dry.

"How do I find you? What if I have questions?"

"You won't need to find me."

The portal door swung farther open, illuminating the entire pit. John clicked off his flashlight and he lifted a hand to shield his vision from the blinding light.

"Remember the rules," said the man taking a few steps backwards. "This is your second chance, John, live it, and then pass it to another undeserving soul."

As he spoke, his voice echoed on the rock walls of the pit. He sounded farther and farther away, until he completely disappeared.

John took one final look behind him then he took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and stepped through the door.




I'm a wife, a mom, a teacher, a learner, but most of all a writer. I have lots to say and little time to say it.